Why does the fingerprint sensor sometimes not work on a smartphone?

Why does the fingerprint sensor sometimes not work on a smartphone?

Why does the fingerprint sensor sometimes not work on a smartphone?   Friends, you probably know that nearly every phone now comes with a fingerprint option. Just place your finger on the sensor, and the phone unlocks. However, you may have experienced times when unlocking with the fingerprint sensor becomes difficult—it simply doesn’t work, which…

G-Mail Tips and Trick

                             G-Mail Tips and Trick   दोस्तों आप किसी भी service को इस्तेमाल करतें हैं तो उस से जुडी कुछ महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी आपके पास होनी  चाहिए। मैं बात कर रहा हूँ गूगल के G-mail service के बारे में. दोस्तों जैसा की आप जानतें है की जीमेल आज के समय में सबसे अच्छे और भरोसेमंद e-mail…

downlaod movies

Where to download new movies for free

Hello friends, welcome to Trick On Track! Today, I will share with you “Where to download new movies for free”, including Hindi, English, Bhojpuri, Hollywood dubbed, or other languages. When we search for new movies to download on Google, it shows numerous options. But when we try to download, various pages, captchas, and pop-ups appear,…